Badge for the Office of the SeneschcalSir Brealthen De Raimes

The local branch seneschal within the SCA is directly responsible for:


    • Acting as the legal representative for the branch.

    • Running or arranging for the running of group activities in a manner that meets the needs of the populace and the SCA. This includes assuring that the branch complies with real-world law, Corpora, and Meridian Kingdom Law, either by reference to the SCA documents or consultation with the Kingdom Seneschal.

    • Submitting the required office reports on a timely basis. Monitoring receipt of copies of the reports that are to be sent by the other local officers to their kingdom superiors in order to be aware of whether the responsibilities of their offices are being fulfilled.

    • Participating in financial decisions as a member of the branch’s Financial Committee.

    • Overseeing conflict and dispute resolution when the issue can be resolved at the local level.

    • Fulfilling the duties of any vacant offices, including submitting their reports as required.

She can be reached at Senechal of Phoenix Glade.


SCA Organizational Handbook

Meridies Kingdom Law

Meridies Seneschal Handbook